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err i dunno wad to put here so it shall be empty hahah

HER; ♥

♥ weixin.
♥ 161088.
♥ nyps|6F2000.
♥ nygh|40604.
♥ cjc|2t38.
♥ nus|chem.


♥ my ixus 80IS
♥ arcade
♥ hanging out


♥ make it to KOREA!
♥ actually ive everything i want hahahs (:



Desi gner (:
Base Code (:
Image (:

20091205 ♥




lyrics from 当我们同在一起! the ch8 9pm show (: i like! hahhaa. have got biophysical chem paper on monday. confirm cui. suan le, i'll go study for that tmr. or maybe later tonight. shall see. it's 26 days to home!


20091202 ♥

haha i'm currently on the nail craze coz i just bought a konad nail stamping set! and have been raving about it to everyone. hahhaha. although it doesn't come cheap, i'd say it's really worth it coz everything's reusable! except for the polishes of course. but that's fine coz i've found alternatives to the special polishes. yay!

it's 2 weeks to end of school. yayyyayyayy. and back to travelling around seoul/korea before returning to sg on the 31st! hehes. but before that, i have an exam next week and the week after that. plus a paper waiting to be written.

am anticipating the arrival of my 2nd order of konad stuff! can prolly try them out over the weekend, coz i'll be stuck in dorm with nothing to do besides studying for next week's paper. rawr. but i'm glad nanochem paper and presentation's over!


20091123 ♥

5 more weeks before i see sunny singapore!

and also 5 more pages of my paper to write plus a powerpoint. by tmr. oh dear. looks like it's gonna be a longlong day. weekend shopping again! hahhaa. i guess that's all you can do in seoul. besides visiting palaces which look generally the same anyway. but i don't care! i love my uniqlo buys haha. love sales (: everything i bought was almost on half price! yayyys (:

plus it's 3 weeks till exams end (i think. they haven't even announced final exam dates!) screwed up education system. i shan't ever complain about nus anymore. i guess we really take too many things for granted in singapore.

ahhhh shall go do my paper. 2 more pages before lunch, and 3 pages after lunch and that'll be all! then i can do up my powerpoint and be done with it.


20091118 ♥

i can't wait to go back sg and mahjong!! haha. and i've got craving for charsiew too =( just 5 more weeks! and of course meet everyone to catch up too. and to play arcade! oh man so many things to do haha (:

things to take up after going back sg:
1) makeup lesson (bobbi brown?)
2) singing classes
3) music composing class
4) POSSIBLY dancing

haha yea, 3 out of 4 of the above has to do with music. it's LOVES! oh that reminds me, i need to print yiruma scores to play after going back too. NO piano here =( and to get my scores back from corn. rawr.

i should go off and continue on my paper. it's due next tues! 12 pages worth plus a powerpoint. and i've only done 2 pages. and im going shopping over the weekend. so i only have 2 more days to finish them all. oh dear. but i always believed i work better and more efficiently under time constraints! heh. weixin shall do it. (:


20091116 ♥

am feeling a little under the weather after being exposed to the crazy cold and winds. and i still have to brave the wind to head off for lessons in about 15 minutes. RAWR.

went shopping yest! and bought 3 different bb creams haha. i hate that every brand only comes up with 1 or 2 colours for their bb creams! it's sooo hard to find THE one with the perfect colour and skin type match. double RAWR. but am quite excited to try them out anyway! hope my skin doesn't break out =/


20091113 ♥

so. i'll be returning on 31st dec, just in time for countdown to the new year (: with some mahjong maybe? hahha. -hints at sansan

there's so many things i wanna learn when i get back to sg! like taking makeup classes, and singing classes too! i guess music has always been my love, be it band/piano/singing. i wonder if singing classes will do me any good.. oh! or maybe music composing class. is there such a thing??

i really should start packing my table. it's in an absolute mess. disaster zone! especially with all the random skincare/makeup that i've been buying. in fact i only use a selected few. will prolly throw the useless ones away before i leave. and of course buy more of the good stuff back. they're 1/3 the price here! sg prices are totally not worth it man.

it's the weekend again! shopping weekend this time. gonna shop for souvenirs for many many pple heh (:



20091103 ♥

khj has been overtaken by show! hahaha luo zhi xiang is new love =)

i never knew he sang such nice slow songs! i always thought him to be the dancy songs sort, until i heard 灰色空间. and yeah went to search for alot more songs to d/l and stuff haha. 娱乐百分百 has also been my entertainment show during meals or when im bored coz it's so funny and wu liao lol. and so i spent yest after class d/ling his albums but they don't seem to be full ones =( rawr. GO BACK SG TO BUY! hahha (:

went lotte world last week and took all the scary rides! including the 27 storey drop and gyro swing muahhaha. kudos to lester for taking the rides with me! hehe. singapore bungee thing at clarke quay is nothing now. 30bucks somemore! more exp than my lotte world entrance tic. lolx.

weather's mad cold now, but it should get better after today. yest was freezing at 1degree and i was cold even with 3 layers on! madness. and cold weather calls for milo breakfast YAY (:

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