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err i dunno wad to put here so it shall be empty hahah

HER; ♥

♥ weixin.
♥ 161088.
♥ nyps|6F2000.
♥ nygh|40604.
♥ cjc|2t38.
♥ nus|chem.


♥ my ixus 80IS
♥ arcade
♥ hanging out


♥ make it to KOREA!
♥ actually ive everything i want hahahs (:



Desi gner (:
Base Code (:
Image (:

20060430 ♥

growing up makes people afraid of things doesn't it. it did for me, at least. afraid of making mistakes, afraid of offending people, afraid of asking for help, afraid of falling and the list goes on. what happened to the happy-go-lucky kid i once knew, the pure and innocent mind whose greatest worry was to get scolded by a teacher.

things ain't that simple anymore.

we've become so afraid of things that we don't even dare to try anymore. taking risks is akin to committing suicide, thus nothing ever gets done, coz everything's bout taking risks and nobody wishes to die yet. pardon my horrible english argh im not thinking straight.

trusting people used to be so hard, resulting in everything being kept inside. nobody ever knew me exactly, what i was thinking, my fears and troubles. i thought that other people would never understand my thoughts and feelings, and thus didn't see the point of sharing things. but ive figured out that keeping things to myself didn't help matters either, and there are actually lots of people around who are willing to listen and give advice. im glad ive learnt to open up. it allowed me to see through the character of some people too, and also understand some others better.

nah this isn't another reflection session for myself. just thought that somebody out there should take a step forward and try to trust people around them. it's not easy, but it's a neccessary step imo. doubt it's gonna be seen by the person concerned though ha. ah wells. ive said my piece.


20060428 ♥

im so fickle-minded at times such that i get irritated at myself. decision making's not for a libran huh. what with weighing both sides of an issue and everything. just drives me crazy.

im having second thoughts.

and although u always bully me u stupid bugger, thanks for being there when i really needed someone to talk to. i'll buy more marshmallows for you (:


20060419 ♥

just decided to post a quick one after the longgg band prac. reached home like..5 mins ago and am happily online already hahah.

last year when i couldn't play heart and voice, i gave myself the excuse that since i just picked up flute, it was natural for me not to be able to play as well as my dear section mates. i was a percussionist for 4 years after all and not a flautist. but after one whole year of learning and practise, i don't see why i should have any excuse for not being able to play, considering all the songs for this concert are easier as compared to heart and voice. or maybe it's coz ive improved from the entire year of practise that the songs now are relatively easy. just needs stamina i guess.

so yeah, it's kinda frustrating when im unable to play certain parts of a song, even if i don't show it. yes i could fake my way through coz there's so many people who can cover up for me, but i don't see the point in doing so. the sense of accomplishment when you actually manage play properly won't be there.

and people, don't get so stressed k. it's contagious (:


20060413 ♥

i feel so unsure
and this feeling sucks
i hate feeling so insecure
and feeling so..

pw grades were utterly disappointing. to quote tina, so disgusting and gross. argh.

i will find my way, if i can be strong
i know every mile, will be worth my while
down an unknown road, to embrace my fate
when i go the distance, i'll be right where i belong


20060404 ♥

just don't understand why some people try so hard to fit in somewhere they don't actually feel comfortable in. to change oneself to suit the surroundings causes a person to lose his or her individuality doesn't it. maybe..just maybe, some people should learn to reflect on their actions.

ain't looking forward to band camp at all sigh


shu-en: i wanna go out but can never find a time where ALL of us are free. stupid cj and nj timetables ahhh!

sansan: haha alright, we'll try to go out together someday

piggie: dietdietdiet! i lurve the watermelon wheeee!

sandie: heh thanks (: i still miss being a percussionist hahah. flute's boring bleah

angel: ptm was okay laaa, besides her saying that im supposed to get a C minimum just coz im from ny argh.

ellyne, marc: haha yes we rawkk =) and to think the leader's so slack. dun even blog lol. maybe that's why his eng's so crappy hahah

xueping: yea i think he's MAD hahah. he sounded funny too. thank goodness the pple i know from there are pretty nice (:


20060402 ♥

okay apparently this group of us were at BK after band on sat when something happened. being the lazy me, i shall just copy and paste from ellyne's blog..with a few minor edits (:

"i encountered a rather odd situation yesterday and i will discuss about it discreetly momentarily in order to protect privacy. as science students, let us denote the subject as X and its variables as E, W and M.

let's say republic of EWM was downtown having dinner and minding their own businesses when X comes up, flashes a card and announces that he is an alumni member of a prestigious college. then, he flaunts his superiority by saying I AM ELITE. I AM FROM XX JUNIOR COLLEGE, AND YOU STUDENTS ARE JUST FROM CATHOLIC JUNIOR COLLEGE. i find his behaviour rather arbitrary. firstly my fellow countryman W, like most common folks would anyway mistake him for a madman. secondly he would put his school's name to shame, making everyone perceive all students from that school are arrogant.


what he really was trying to do was be dogmatic and declare that he is a form of higher being just because he was from a much better institution than us. i know for a fact that CJC students are not as academically inclined as student's from X's college but that doesn't make us losers in society either. that's the whole problem with Singapore students: people who are from elite schools think they are better than everyone else.
NOTE: i'm not trying to emphasis that this is true for all students. i know many nice people from elite schools but X, playing the black sheep has totally disgraced his school. ha, how sad.

well i suck at GP and am unable to air my views arguementatively but bottomline is, to quote my other countryman M, don't wee wee in your pants just because the timing of your papers clash and hence, you are not greater than everyone else, especially me :P"

how stupid can some people get. it's precisely the existence of such people that give others the bad impression of their school. smart as they are, u come to realize they're not THAT smart after all. high IQ yes, but low EQ apparently. oh wells.
